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Chronic inflammatory diseases

Antiinflammatory and antibiotic drugs are highly successful in the treatment of acute inflammation and infection.

In contrast, the treatment of chronic inflammation and infection remains a therapeutic challenge. The most expensive modern immunotherapies can often significantly ameliorate symptoms, but not without considerable long-term risks and side-effects.

Often no standard treatment is available. Patient's response to different therapies is quite unique and requires a personalized multi-modular approach.

Thermal therapies have been known since ancient times to provide relief from symptoms of these diseases. READ MORE:

In German hospitals focused on natural healing methods, fever-range whole-body hyperthermia is used as an effective basic module, especially in the treatment of Ankylosans Spondylitis, Psoriasis (arthritica), Neurodermitis, Rheumatic Arthritis, Sinusitis, Asthma, Crohn's disease, Colitis. In each of these diseases the reaction of the individual patient has to be carefully observed to decide if WBH is indicated or not.

Most recent pre-clinical findings show a direct anti-inflammatory effect of fever-range WBH in a murine model of arthritis achieving a significant therapeutic benefit and an efficacy similar to methotrexate. (Lee at al, )

A pilot study with heckel-HT3000 at University Hospital Graz - comparing the effect of a single FR-WBH treatment on AS patients and healthy volunteers - showed an earlier, higher and more sustained increase of the anti-inflammatory cytocine IL-10 mRNA in AS patients. (Zauner et al.)

Thus, modern scientific findings support the traditional concept of using fever-range WBH in chronic inflammatory disease.

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