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Upcoming events in 2025

April 03

Category: Congress

Venue: Zurich, Switzerland


ESIO Update 2025

Immunotherapy and integrative Oncology – Evidence and clinical practice

Thanks to new immuno-oncology treatment options the prognosis of many advanced tumor diseases has improved considerably in recent years.

With the knowledge of the immunological causes of cancer and the experiences with the new therapeutic options, the patient‘s immune system as an important resource for successful treatment increasingly becoming more and more the focus of interest.

The ESIO Update 2025 will focus on immunotherapies in integrative oncology and therefore deals with the question of possible synergies, but also the potential risks of combining targeted immunotherapies with well established procedures from complementary medicine. Measures to strengthen the Immunosystem have a long tradition in integrative medicine.

Good scientifi c evidence exists on the immunomodulating effects of plant substances, hyperthermia, exercise, mindfulness and stress reduction.

In addition to an overview of the standards and predictive markers in immuno-oncology, the presentations will address, the potential of hyperthemia,
plant extracts, but also the importend role of psychoneuroimmunology. Last but not least an overview will be presented about the management of immunrelated toxisity.

This year, we have once again succeeded in attracting renowned experts for the lectures.

On behalf of the European Society for Integrative Oncology we are very much looking forward to your participation and an intensive exchange with colleagues and friends.

On behalf of the board of ESIO e.V.

April 14 - 16

Category: Course

Venue: Rotterdam/Amsterdam, The Netherlands

European School of Thermotherapy

This school is endorsed by ESTRO and ESHO.

This 3-day European thermotherapy school aims to teach radiation oncologists, (clinical) physicists, radiation therapists, other medical specialists, and researchers the knowledge to perform high quality hyperthermia treatments. The lectures will cover de following topics related to hyperthermia: biology, physics, clinical rationale, implementation and execution of thermortherapy treatments, and new developments in this field.
The lectures are presented by thermotherapy experts from different disciplines and European countries. The school will be held in two hospitals in the Netherlands: Erasmus MC in Rotterdam and Amsterdam UMC in Amsterdam. 

May 02 - 06

Category: Congress

Venue: Vienna, Austria


ESTRO 2025

Transformative Innovation Through Partnership

It is my great pleasure to invite you back to Vienna, Austria for ESTRO 2025 which will take place from 2 to 6 May. Building on the huge success of previous congresses in this vibrant city, situated ideally in the centre of Europe, we will convene the radiation oncology community for five days of learning, collaborating and connecting. 

The ambition of ESTRO to further reinforce radiation oncology as a key partner in multidisciplinary cancer care, and to guarantee accessible and high-value radiation therapy for all cancer patients who need it, is expressed in the society’s vision statement for 2030: ‘Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for All, Together.’

Continuous evolution and refinement of radiation oncology is one important path of innovation to achieve this goal. ESTRO 2025 will put an emphasis on breakthrough research and innovation. Such revolutionary innovation is happening within our discipline, and even more opportunities open by collaboration and partnership with neighbouring and even distant fields of research. With this aim, the congress theme is Transformative Innovation Through Partnership. The programme will focus on how all stakeholders can learn from each other and cooperate to push the boundaries of radiation oncology and multidisciplinary cancer care in general. The theme will be reflected throughout the programme via state-of-the-art sessions.

The programme will emphasise interaction between audience and faculty, making top-level science accessible for all attending. Featuring panel discussions, pitch sessions and debates, the programme will connect the whole radiotherapy community. Leaders in the field will share their work and knowledge via symposia and teaching lectures. Joint sessions with partner associations will connect delegates with new communities and increase the reach of the ESTRO population. Nurturing those starting out in their careers remains a pillar of the society and therefore the Young Track will continue to provide educational activities focussed on those in the earlier stages of their careers. All sessions will promote collaboration between faculty and audience.

ESTRO strives to showcase the top-level scientific work being carried out by the radiation oncology community. With this in mind, the best abstract submitted to each track will be celebrated in a best proffered paper session. Other sessions will showcase the latest trial results. In addition to these highlight sessions, ESTRO will recognise the top-tier abstracts submitted to the congress. The highly popular mini-oral sessions will continue, enhancing the visibility of submitted research, while poster discussion sessions offer a platform to showcase work. We will continue to emphasise the interdisciplinarity of the ESTRO scientific programme by calling for abstracts which are of interest to a broad range of disciplines.

The main purpose of the ESTRO annual congress is to disseminate the latest science within the world of radiotherapy but also to reach out to the larger medical community and society in general. We will be increasing our communication of the breakthrough science via social channels and the press both during and after the congress. This will ensure engagement for those presenting at ESTRO 2025 far beyond the congress itself.

Networking with corporate partners is always invaluable. ESTRO 2025 will host Europe’s largest industry exhibition in radiation oncology. It will offer you a unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders and to find out about the latest innovations in the field.

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna.

With warm regards,


     Matthias Guckenberger  

June 19 - 21

Category: Congress

Venue: Dresden, Germany


DEGRO 2025

31. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie

  • Auf dem Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie (DEGRO) haben alle Fachkollegen/innen der DEGRO Gelegenheit, alle für die Entwicklung der Radioonkologie wichtigen Aspekte in konzentrierter Form zu diskutieren und so zu einem breiten Erkenntnisaustausch zu kommen.
  • Herausragende Forschungsleistungen werden auf diesem Kongress durch Wissenschaftspreise ausgezeichnet.
  • Seit 1995 findet der DEGRO-Jahreskongress an wechselnden Tagungsorten in Deutschland statt. Im Jahr 2020 fand der DEGRO-Jahreskongress aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie erstmalig rein digital statt.


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